So in short, yes of course there are certain poker sites and individuals out there who are trying to rig the system in their favor when it comes to online poker. Heck a decent chunk of them even end up cheating on the person that they swore their wedding vows to! Humans rig the stock market, they rig elections, they lie on their resumes and they cheat on their high school exams as well.
However, a little bit of common sense should tell us that of course there is some nefarious behaviour going on when anything important (such as money) is on the line. I can't possibly answer all of these earth shattering questions in a tiny little blog post like this. Is online poker rigged? Are we being invaded by Russian bots? Are there mysterious ninjas hired to create another rigged river card just for you right before the final table? Anyways, my hope is that this article will help solve the Great Debate once and for all!